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A company to protect Smiley-Woodfin Prairie.Construction Begins on Mockingbird Solar | News

Orsted said Friday that the clean energy company plans to protect about 1,000 acres of the 1,700-acre Smiley’s Meadow from future development as construction begins this week at the Mockingbird Solar Center, west of Paris near Highway 82. announced that it was standing Completion he is scheduled for 2024.

While Orsted leases approximately 3,900 acres from landowners, the company purchased approximately 1,000 acres of Smiley-Woodfin Native Prairie Grassland to donate to The Nature Conservancy, a national environmental organization. doing.

https://theparisnews.com/news/company-to-protect-smiley-woodfin-prairie-mockingbird-solar-construction-begins/article_4d9520d2-945b-11ed-9535-0bf1fcce91ae.html A company to protect Smiley-Woodfin Prairie.Construction Begins on Mockingbird Solar | News

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