A scene of chaos in France!

Document demonstrations, blockades, fires and violent clashes with police across France. Not yet: Reopening on March 28, 2023.

The President of the Republic should worry. For his ninth time in a few weeks, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators marched through his 320 cities in France. According to the CGT, 800,000 in Paris, 280,000 in Marseille, 30,000 in Strasbourg, more than 50,000 in Grenoble, and thousands in Nancy clash with police and burn several pallets. was Brest, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Dijon, Toulouse, Lille and Saint-Etienne also attracted large crowds. Men and women everywhere were angry and determined to continue their protests against this unwanted pension reform. Among the demonstrators were uniformed firefighters, magistrates, members of the Court of Auditors and many artists. According to unions, more than 3.5 million people were on the streets. 1.09 million according to Interior. rarely seen.

violence and injury

From the start of the day, action sets the tone. Many roads were cut, several refineries were blocked and fires broke out on SNCF tracks in several cities, marking Wednesday his ninth day of mobilization following the president of the republic’s interview.
CGT leader Philippe Martinez said Macron didn’t throw fuel on the fire. It called for “non-violence” to keep it.
Nevertheless, uncontrollable elements loot Nantes’ administrative court. Some smashed windows, erected barricades, set trash cans on fire, and threw bullets at police. Several police officers were seriously injured. Many demonstrators.
In Paris, at the end of the afternoon, hundreds of black blockers harassed police and gendarmes and responded with tear gas.
The spectacle of chaos seemed to continue everywhere, throughout the night, and perhaps the rest of the night.

https://frenchdailynews.com/politics/8662-pensions-scenes-of-chaos-in-france A scene of chaos in France!

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