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Anti-Covid-19 Vaccines: Current Status

Almost three years after the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, it is clear that vaccines have not eradicated the pandemic. Listen to Jean-Marc Sabatier* on the eve of a new vaccination campaign.

Vaccines against Covid-19 have harmful effects and can cause vascular accidents, thrombosis, and other blood abnormalities. How do you explain this?

Jean-Marc Sabatier (DR)

SARS-CoV-2 infection causes blood clotting abnormalities in approximately 15% of infected individuals. A similar phenomenon is observed in vaccinated persons. Approximately 70-80% of people infected with her severe form of Covid-19 have clotting disorders. These abnormalities are due to dysfunction of the host renin-angiotensin system (RAS) induced by the viral spike protein and its overactivation of the ‘harmful’ human AT1R receptor. RAS is a major hormonal and physiological system in the body that regulates renal, pulmonary, and cardiovascular autonomic function, innate immunity, and various microbiota, including the gut microbiota. RAS is ubiquitous and found in various organs and tissues in our body.
In short, Covid-19-related coagulation abnormalities (due to SARS-CoV-2 infection or anti-Covid-19 vaccination) are, except in special cases, associated with RAS dysfunction (virus or vaccine Spike Binding of proteins to cell-targeted receptors ECA 2).

What role does the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein play in red blood cells?

Erythrocytes (produced in the bone marrow by hematopoietic stem cells) are anucleated (mammalian) cells that are responsible, among other things, for transporting oxygen (oxygen or O2) from the lungs to other tissues and cells in the body. For this important function, these blood cells contain hemoglobin that can bind oxygen. It is worth noting that the role of red blood cells is not limited to oxygen transport. Red blood cells regulate the pH of the blood, transport immune complexes (thanks to a surface molecule called CD20) and the CO2 produced by the cells.
– Aren’t red blood cells little soldiers that protect us from viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens?
Red blood cells are directly involved in the body’s response to microorganisms. They have a large amount of A-glycophorin (one million receptors per red blood cell) on their surface, which acts as a ‘bait’ for viral proteins (such as SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccine protein spike). These blood cells thus act as ‘traps’ that neutralize circulating pathogens (or reduce circulatory load) through direct interactions with surface proteins. If so, it appears that the Spike protein produced or contained in anti-Covid-19 vaccines may interact with red blood cells, altering their properties and behavior.

in what process?

Via the Spike protein, SARS-CoV-2 induces RAS dysfunction through hyperactivation of its ‘harmful’ receptor AT1R. Overactivation of the AT1R receptor (by viral or vaccine spike proteins) promotes hypertension, inflammation, oxidation, angiogenesis, thrombosis, fibrosis, hypertrophy, and lowers nitric oxide (NO). Overactivated AT1R causes hypoxemia (low oxygen levels in the blood) and hypoxia (reduced oxygen availability in tissues). Recall that overactivation of AT1R (of RAS) is responsible for macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) and related hemophagocytosis, destroying erythrocytes and their precursors in the bone marrow. All these data suggest that erythrocyte integrity may be compromised.

Let’s talk about vaccines. It is said that it may contain graphene. your opinion?

Graphene and its derivatives, including graphene oxide, are not described (by manufacturers and WHO) as components of vaccines currently in use against SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19. Nevertheless, the existence of such nanomaterials has been mentioned by many authors and experimenters. For reasons of health transparency and vaccine safety, the existence of such compounds, if real, would be very serious (although talking about vaccine safety in the context of anti-Covid-19 pseudo-vaccine is not appropriate).
Graphene is made of carbon (a single layer of carbon atoms in a honeycomb structure). Graphene, due to its derivatives, has extraordinary potential and physical properties in terms of lightness, transparency, flexibility, resistance (100 times more resistant to breakage than steel), stability, electrical conductivity and magnetism (unnatural conditions only). Indicates chemical properties. , potential energy sources (thanks to oscillatory motion), and clean energy storage (graphene batteries). Applications of these materials are now expanding as ultrasensitive sensors/biosensors, biocatalysts, microchips, etc., and nanomedicine (primarily as vectors for gene therapy and vaccine platforms).

Are these nanoparticles in vaccines in your opinion?

The main problems posed by the presence of graphene or derivative-type carbonaceous nanomaterials are “harmful” inflammatory responses due to oxidative stress, cell death (due to apoptosis, necrosis and/or autophagic dysfunction), direct toxicity to organs. (especially lung and brain), genotoxicity (changes in DNA that cause cancer and/or deficiency that is transmitted to the next generation), biodegradability (catabolism) and effects on organisms. To date, the undesired effects of these nanomaterials (such as graphene oxide) have been demonstrated on certain cell types (including neural and lung epithelial cells), and on organisms, including plants (via carbon nanotube-rich soils). It is worth noting that it has already been reported against The human enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO) produced by leukocytes (neutrophilic granulocytes belonging to innate immunity) appears to be able to degrade graphene oxide. These immune cells – responsible for eliminating microorganisms and foreign substances in the body – are strongly present in the lungs. Finally, graphene nanoparticles (and their derivatives) appear to be more toxic because their size matters. If graphene oxide or other related compounds are effectively present in mRNA vaccines (to the best of my knowledge, it has not been formally proven), rapid elimination by a mechanism of phagocytosis of specialized immune cells is possible. There is a possibility that it will be

What are the effects of multiple vaccinations?

The effects of vaccination should be more or less “visible” and durable, depending on the individual (age, sex, health status, genetic makeup, etc.) and the number of injections. In my opinion, the real problem associated with multiple injections of these pseudo-vaccines is the potential functional alteration of the host’s blood. In fact, these repeated vaccinations inevitably lead to depletion of the innate immune system (immediate non-specific immunity) and consequently of the adaptive/acquired immune system (followed by about 4 days of immunity and specific for infectious immunity). agent, or otherwise), ie to a generalized deficiency of the immune system. Therefore, it seems to me urgent and imperative to stop these ineffective and harmful injections. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can be a permanent alteration of immunity in a ‘vaccinated’ host, leading to the development and / Or it may lead to the onset.

Do new bivalent vaccines pose the same risks?

Health authorities (European Medicines Agency and Santé Autorté) have approved a new injectable “bivalent” vaccine against Covid-19 and combined with influenza vaccine. It is worth noting that these approvals by the authorities, to date, are not based on any clinical trials.
A genuine vaccine must meet two criteria: efficacy and safety. As far as efficacy is concerned, these new sham vaccines are more effective than previous vaccines, even with the addition of one or two messenger RNAs encoding the modified Spike proteins of the Omicron variant (BA.1) and its substrains. Much less effective. BA.4, BA.5. It is clear that new mRNA vaccines cannot prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission. Because two or three messenger RNAs injected simultaneously generate Spike proteins that can bind to ACE2 receptors in target cells, leading to RAS dysfunction and potential triggers of Covid. These vaccines are not without side effects.-19 diseases. The dangers associated with lipid nanoparticles still exist in these new vaccines. In short, these offer nothing in terms of protection. These additional vaccinations only increase the risk of developing more severe forms of the disease (in addition to the potential toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles present in the vaccine) via ADE and ERD facilitating phenomena. The balance of benefit and risk remains clearly unfavorable for new vaccines based on viral spike proteins. Ideally, from a health standpoint, these pseudo-vaccine boosters should be discontinued.

*Jean-Marc Sabatier is Research Director at CNRS and holds a PhD in Cell Biology and Microbiology. He is editor-in-chief of the international scientific journals “Coronaviruses” and “Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets”. He speaks by his own name here.

Anti-Covid Vaccine: Emergency!

Vaccines: new bivalent Moderna not yet recommended

https://frenchdailynews.com/health/5243-anti-covid-19-vaccines-state-of-play Anti-Covid-19 Vaccines: Current Status

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