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Auvergne Rhone Alpes.Artisan Competition for Regional Innovation

Pour la Premiere Anet, Altinov Innovation Competition review the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes for a period of up to 30 years ahead.

Concours, Regional Chambre des Métiers and Organization of Artists’ Departments (CMA), Vice of the Recompensator «Companies for innovation, development and practical adaptations of Auron and Marcanthes», comme le précise un communication de la CMAs.

Candidates for selectable categories: Process-Driven Innovation Technologies, Service and Product Innovations, Savoir-Faire Innovations, Social Innovations, and Environmental Innovations. Un prix du public sera également décerné.

6 winners

Nivaux selection, average of 60 awards. Parmi eux, 6 companies, is a craftsman with dedicated equipment produced in his December in the region.

Evaluation of the 4 500 euro bonus, communication of the kit, average of coaching innovation, evaluation of the consailor expert of the CMA, encore of the Sante Securité Haute Travaille.

Candidacy, anamnesis, request for special envoy of 31 July.

Artinov est porté en partenariat avec les branques régionales de Groupama, la Banque Populaire et la Socama (société de note mutuelle), ainsi que la Région et l’État.

Information and candidature www.cma-auvergnerhonealpes.fr/artinov-2023-le-concours-de-linnovation-artisanale

https://www.leprogres.fr/economie/2023/05/22/le-concours-de-l-innovation-artisanale-artinov-se-deploie-dans-toute-la-region Auvergne Rhone Alpes.Artisan Competition for Regional Innovation

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