Between belief, ignorance and bad science
In his book Antivax toi-même, published by Guy Trédaniel, science journalist Xavier Bazin sits down and challenges beliefs and prejudices about vaccination. His goal is to start a discussion. Interview (Part 1).
Alix Juan
The title of your book uses the term “antiviral” in a somewhat provocative way. It is used today to refer to people who are skeptical of anti-Covid vaccines. But really what you are targeting is all vaccines, even the most classic Afraid of being labeled a “vaccine skeptic”?
In any case, from the moment you criticize vaccines, you are called an anti-vaccine or a vaccine skeptic. Its main purpose is to discredit those who speak up so that people will not be interested. If, in this case, you are obliged to bear this risk. Even if it’s not fun, I’m not afraid of it.
lack of scientific data
While reading you, I understand that there is a clear lack of scientific evidence for both the efficacy and safety of most vaccines, and that a real debate about vaccination is needed.
Yes, I am very aware of the violation of my statement. Unlike many who say they are not anti-vaccine and what they are challenging is simply an anti-Covid vaccine, I will go further. Made in haste and entirely experimental technology, it will likely be one of the biggest health scandals of all time. The method of conducting research on efficacy and how to mask side effects is not new and is relevant to all vaccines. We find ourselves drowning in: There are no large randomized clinical trials versus placebos for most essential vaccines, no studies of adjuvant toxicity, and no censored studies. , such as aluminum and mercury, there is no research on carcinogenicity. On the other hand, there is not much ideology and reflection on the part of medical professionals.
First, don’t believe me…
The story of the vaccine religion…
One of the problems that has become apparent during the Covid crisis is that the public, doctors, media and politicians are turning a blind eye to all the vaccine propaganda that claims two doses are enough to return to normal life. It was a closed and accepted method. This was basically based on a deep ideology shared throughout society that vaccines were safe and effective magic wands. This is not true and there was great disillusionment about it. To prevent something like this from happening again, we must soberly reassess our relationship with vaccination and return to critical thinking with a more scientific approach. I hope my book contributes to this.
Covid vaccines: predictable inefficiencies
It also explains that anti-Covid vaccines are doomed to be ineffective, especially with regard to transmission. This is because injected vaccines affect the general immune system, whereas respiratory viruses multiply in the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. immune system.
yes this is the reason Inserm has been looking for some time to develop a local vaccine in a nasal spray.Pfizer has now been criticized for not doing research on transmission, but in any case, the vaccine injected into the arm had no effect. Similarly, experts such as Raoult and Perrone have said from the outset that a vaccine has almost no chance of halting an emerging disease epidemic. And here’s what happened: vaccination didn’t stop the epidemic. Today, we find that countries with the most vaccines have infinitely more cases of Covid than countries with little or no vaccine. Less predictable, however, were the catastrophic side effects of these vaccines, which were numerous.
clueless doctor
You talk about a sea of bad science. How would you explain physicians’ lack of critical thinking about vaccines?
First and foremost, I believe, is conformity and blind trust in the wisdom of health authorities. A basic doctor doesn’t have time to check all the studies, so he trusts them without asking himself any more questions. It will take him hundreds of hours to get into it, I know it. Seeing the reality of the research that has been done to date and understanding its limitations is a real challenge. is. Doctors only get a few hours of vaccination classes in the college curriculum, which is not enough to develop a critical mind. They are not trained to recognize adverse events and when they see an adverse event their first instinct is usually to ignore it. . This is called cognitive dissonance.
Health is better than vaccines
Doctors also say that when people start to doubt vaccines and stop taking them, some major illnesses can return.But is this true?
This gets to the heart of the vaccine religion. The medical expert as a whole believes that vaccines have made great strides in the fight against infectious diseases and that it is to him that the great scourge of the late 19th and early 20th centuries has been eradicated. But this is not true. Rather, these advances have been made possible by improved living conditions, hygiene and nutrition, especially for children. In my book, I present two important graphs of his that show the evolutionary curve of mortality from measles and whooping cough. Mortality from these two diseases was very high in he 1900 and had declined to almost zero in decades. why did this happen? There is a simple reason that people are healthier and have more resistant organisms thanks to better living conditions and less food…it’s a revolution! not a vaccine.
Claude Bernard said, “Microbes are nothing. Terrain is everything.” After all, in the race for this miracle product, are we forgetting the basics of health and common sense?
absolutely. Today we focus only on technical solutions, but prove that the field is the most important. It has been known for decades that vitamin D is a highly effective vitamin in improving immune system function and reducing the risk of respiratory infections, but little is known about vitamin D. I saw it again during the Covid era when I hadn’t even heard of it.
What about long term effects?
The long-term effects of immunization and multiple doses have never been studied at the individual or population level. For example, delayed effects on childhood diseases such as measles, instead of occurring in childhood, may manifest in adulthood in a much more severe form, when vaccines are no longer effective.
Yes, or it is an infant who has not yet been vaccinated, but at a very vulnerable age, who gets the disease between the ages of 0 and 1. This is what I call a side effect of vaccination, not taken into account. That is, the age of disease changes. Previously, a mother who had measles as a child had strong antibodies that were passed on to her child during pregnancy.When a child was born, he or she was critically ill during her 0-1 year, protected by nature. Babies are no longer protected today because the vaccinated mother’s antibodies are not sufficient to infect the child. That’s it. Inserm study reported by Le Monde, showing how Bordetella pertussis evolved under the influence of vaccination that covered only a small fraction of the bacterium. It is clearly this very small part that is most mutated and escapes vaccination. This is the law of evolution. Viruses and bacteria adapt to survive. By mass-vaccinating, you risk prioritizing subspecies without really knowing what’s going to happen.It’s like a sorcerer’s apprentice.
Make informed and free choices
I think of parents who have to vaccinate their children, and adults who have to vaccinate. At the end of your book, they will say, Do I give up on everything, or are there still some things of value?”
It’s not up to me to decide for them. Never give a vaccine without asking questions or doing research beforehand to estimate the benefits and risks for your age and health. Unfortunately, general practitioners and pediatricians are not very reliable. For those with questions, I recommend reading Dr. Michel de Lorgeril’s little book. This book describes each vaccine individually and evaluates all available epidemiological data and clinical trials. And when in doubt, you have the right to abstain. In my personal analysis, scientific data on vaccines are incomplete and of poor quality, and tend to minimize or limit side effects. Also, injecting a substance into a healthy person is not in line with the medical principle of “first do no harm”. I am for critical thinking and for having serious and transparent scientific data on vaccines.
- to read: “Anti-Bacs and Meme!” Xavier Bazin, Guy Trédaniel Éditeur (November 2022). Foreword by CNRS researcher Dr. Michel de Lorgeril.
- See also “Des vaccins et des hommeswill be broadcast on Arte in October 2022. Between belief, ignorance and bad science