Humanitarian Society
Offer a pet clinic
The Lamar County Animal Welfare Society will be offering pet vaccination and spay/neuter coupons Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., inside the Colosseum at the Lamar County Fairgrounds, 570 E. Center St., Paris. Sponsoring the Snip Clinic.
Spay/neuter vouchers are available for $30 and are limited to two per household for Lamar County residents only. Proof of residence is required. Pet owners are asked to call their local veterinarian to confirm participation before purchasing a SNIP voucher, according to information provided by the association. The veterinarian may require proof of rabies vaccination when redeeming the voucher.
Vaccines available to all include: Rabies, $7. Sway/7-way, $17. FVRCP, $17. FVRCP + Leukemia, $27. Bordetella, $17. Anthelmintic, $5. Rabies tag, $2.
Launch of the United Way
Fun drive for the needy
With Wednesday officially marking the first day of summer and an excessive heat warning in effect, United Way in Lamar County and CitySquare Paris kicked off Boxfan activities.
Residents are encouraged to drop off their box fans at the United Way office at 2340 Lamar Avenue. CitySquare Paris, 2515 Bonham St.; or East Texas Radio, 2810 Pine Mill Rd. From today through July 15th.
“All donated fans go to people in need without paperwork,” said United Way Executive Director Jenny Wilson.
cooling station open
At Horizon House
To protect those who need a place to cool off during the hot summer months, Horizon House (450 4th SW St.) offers cooling stations Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm.
“Horizon House is committed to helping everyone stay cool this summer, and the cooling station is one way to achieve that,” said Sherry Brasil, executive director of the Lamar County Human Resources Council. It’s just one,” he said. “Cooling stations are open to everyone, no credentials required, and have plenty of seating, refrigerators, sinks, and microwaves. Snacks and water are provided five days a week, but if you need a place to cool off, please Need a weekend cooldown?
Brazil called on people to help keep the cooling stations in stock.
“You can leave water and snacks from Monday to Friday,” Brasil said. “You can also donate through our website hrctexas.orgUse our Facebook page, Human Resources Council QR code or mail a check to PO Box 714, Paris, TX 75461. “ Briefs | Local | News