
But why is Macron so eager to promote the HPV vaccine?

The Head of State will today visit the University of Charente to raise awareness of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among young people. However, looking at the current data, you may be wondering about the real benefits of this prevention.

Alix Juan

Emmanuel Macron visits Jean Larteau High School in Jarnac, Charente on Tuesday, February 28th. Papp Nudiaye, Minister of National Education and Youth, and François Braun, Minister of Health and Prevention, Head of State, will accompany you. He attends a free vaccination session held at his school. He will then participate in raising awareness of vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV).
But what is the President of the Republic doing in this ‘chaos’? Doesn’t he have other more important issues to deal with now?

‘Much, much stronger’ in anti-HPV vaccination

we have known since Video published on TikTok On 9 December 2022, President Emmanuel Macron announced that he had decided to tackle sexually transmitted diseases among young people and to “strengthen further” vaccination against HPV “to prevent subsequent cancers”. . On the face of it, this is well-meaning and you can be happy with this prevention policy.
Even after years of deafening the various arguments denying not only the usefulness but also the harmlessness of these anti-HPV vaccines, especially Gardasil®.

Cervical Cancer: A Public Health Problem?

Human papillomavirus infections are common and often benign sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, certain strains (or genotypes) cause lesions that, if persisted, contribute to the development of anogenital and ENT cancers. More specifically, genotypes 16 and 18 are believed to be responsible for 70% of cervical cancers.
In France, it is estimated that 3,000 women contract this cancer each year, and unfortunately 1,000 die. Although still over a thousand, these numbers are relatively low compared to other cancers, such as breast cancer. Ligue contre le Cancer statisticsTherefore, cervical cancer is not what we would call a priority public health problem.

effective screening

In most cases, this cancer is detected and treated in a timely manner thanks to gynecological follow-up and screening with a smear or laboratory.the latter is 40% reduction in cervical cancer incidence in France Since 1990, its mortality rate has increased by 37%, Only 59.5% of women were screenedIf such a simple and effective tool exists and is sufficient to intensify its use, is it useful to resort to vaccines?
In principle, yes. Because prevention is always better than cure. But provided that these vaccines are truly useful in preventing cancer and, above all, are not dangerous.

vaccines for adolescents

HPV vaccines (Gardasil®, Gardasil 9®, and Cervarix®) in use in Europe were launched on the market in 2006. Its purpose is to prevent infection with the most harmful HPV strains and, as a result, avoid the risk of cancer caused by these strains.
The problem is that these vaccines, like most, must be administered to healthy people. Clinical studies have shown one thing. This is why health authorities recommend vaccination at an early age (in France he is 11-14 years old) before sexual intercourse, which can put him at risk of infection.

Unverifiable Benefits Against Cancer

Adolescents (especially girls) are vaccinated in hopes of preventing cancer in 20 or 30 years.
However, adolescents who were first vaccinated 17 years ago do not see the benefits of vaccination against cervical cancer simply because they have not yet reached the age at which cervical cancer usually occurs, i.e., 40–50 years. It is impossible to judge at this time. Although clinical studies have shown efficacy of vaccines against targeted HPV infections and lesions, their usefulness in preventing cancer remains a matter of speculation at this time.
In addition, many other factors may be involved in the development of genital cancer over such a long period of time (20-30 years). Lifestyle, sexual activity, contraceptive methods, etc. The real role of vaccines in this field.

serious adverse events

On the other hand, many serious adverse events have been reported from vaccinated girls, including autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and lupus. But it also includes Guillain-Barre syndrome, myasthenia, polymyositis, Bernoulli’s disease, idiopathic hypersomnia, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, and other disabling pathological conditions with complex names.
As is the case with vaccines, the exact number of these victims is unknown, and most victims struggle to make the link between medical conditions and vaccination known. , is taking legal action by joining the collective “Girls and Gardasil®”. According to their attorney, Camille Kushner, Between 2006 and 2011, 1,672 adverse events were reported, 352 of which were serious, and more than 2 million young women were vaccinated.d.

Criminal charges closed without follow-up

In 2013, the Institute’s Sanofi Pasteur MSD (which markets Gardasil® in France) and the French National Agency for Drug Safety (ANSM) issued a statement: “Involuntary harm to people and exacerbation of deception ‘, 10 complaints were filed. In 2014, 25 other of his complaints were filed for “accidental injury, apparent breach of safety obligations, and disregard for the principle of precaution and precaution.” However, the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office considered that no link had been established between the symptoms and vaccination, and dismissed all.

“Decision announcement” from the president

However, given the current data and the uncertainty regarding the true benefits of these vaccines against cancer, especially cervical cancer, the president of the republic has been tempted to promote the vaccine with such enthusiasm among teenagers. You might be wondering if there’s any interest in this. Elise speaks this Tuesday about the “definitive announcement to eradicate the papillomavirus.” Let’s hope this isn’t another vaccination mandate and everyone is free to maintain informed consent.

Testimony of Ocean BourguignonShe was the sole victim of a severe side effect, with double expertise admitting that her illness was due to vaccination, and the testimony of the parents of Adriana, a girl who died after being vaccinated. It was served. But why is Macron so eager to promote the HPV vaccine?

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