Commissioners address long-standing water infiltration issues in Lamar County courthouse Monday morning when the court decides to allow bids on the first two phases of a major roof repair and heating and ventilation system project. have taken a big step towards
After several months in the planning stage, the court submitted a tender to remove the equipment from the roof of the courthouse, move it to the north parking lot, and install new equipment and a control system for the building’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. I asked. The new system is expected to alleviate the negative pressure inside the building, which is believed to be the cause of moisture problems.
After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix water leaks that have plagued the historic courthouse since its renovation more than 20 years ago, the court contracted Fannin & Fannin Architects for design purposes to complete three major projects. finalized to include tender specifications for Roof and parapet repairs.
“By the time Phases 1 and 2 are complete, we will be entering the spring of the roof and railing project,” Ronnie Bass said of the timing of the project. “That’s when we can apply for funding from the Texas Historical Commission to help repair the roof.”
Also at Monday’s meeting, the commissioner issued a proclamation recognizing the students of the Lamar County 4-H Club Steering Council and designating October 2-8 as “National 4-H Week.” The court also recognized the Lamar County Historical Commission and was recently awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Texas Historical Commission.
The Commissioner has approved the use of the North Car Park as a vendor staging area for the Pumpkins Festival on October 21-22 and by the Farmers Bank and Trust for the Employee Appreciation Burger Cookout on October 5. did.
In other cases, the court approved the continuation of the $10 application fee to fund the preservation of the county clerk’s records and referred Ronica Blake, Kent Klinkerman, and Britney Christian to the Lamar County Child Welfare Board. Appointed and approved funding to upgrade the County’s Outdoor Early Weather. warning system.
Court Approves Memorandum of Understanding with Prairieland ISD Regarding District’s Newly Formed Police Department, Approves $11,700 Security Upgrades in Substation 5-2 Magistrate’s Office, Lamar County Jail Door Renovation Project Approved and increased the change order of From $45 he gave her a $55 overnight allowance and appointed Ronnie Buss to the Lamar County Juvenile Probation Board. Commissioner attacks water leak in