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Commissioners, design engineers to move forward on courthouse roof repair | News

Lamar County commissioners and the engineering firm hired to design plans to fix the courthouse roof and improve the hearing and air conditioning system by adding an air pressure control device to control negative air pressure inside cleared the air about a misunderstanding during a virtual call at a special court meeting Monday morning.

Design plans submitted to date from Fanning Fanning & Associates include plans for roof repair and the HVAC system with no mention of work to a parapet wall, which tests last year indicated water penetration of a terra-cotta parapet, found to have unsealed joints, damaged and cracked terra-cotta units, and some deterioration of brick masonry. As the result of the tests performed by Western Specialty Contractors, of Garland, the company in January submitted a proposal to fix the parapet and install a flashing to prevent water intrusion. The court, however, took no action on the proposal, according to newspaper records.

https://theparisnews.com/news/commissioners-design-engineers-to-move-forward-on-courthouse-roof-repair/article_d3b13606-77fe-11ee-b667-6f1b6f142bb9.html Commissioners, design engineers to move forward on courthouse roof repair | News

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