Counties that receive audit reports.
The Lamar County Commissioner is expected to receive the annual external financial audit report and make several statements in court Monday at 9:00 am at the Lamar County Courthouse (119 Main Street).
The Commissioner has declared the week of May 7-13 “National Correctional Officers Week,” May 15 “National Peace Officer Day,” and May 14-20 “National Police Week” in Lamar County. ” will be announced. The court will also declare April “Fair Housing Month.”
Other agenda items include several housekeeping items on the Community Development Block Grant Program and the soon-to-be-launched Sheriff’s Department Community Communications App. Other budget items include the adoption of a calendar for work on the 2023-2024 budget.
Paris votes, elects mayor, plans mayoral protem
The Paris City Council will meet twice this week. We will meet once on Monday and once on Tuesday to review the results of the May 6 elections and elect our mayor and mayoral candidate. Both meetings will be held at 5:30 pm at City Hall (107 E. Kaufman St.).
At Monday’s meeting, the council will receive a report on the Credit Access Business Ordinance and will discuss the need for playground equipment at Leon Williams’ playground. The council will meet in an executive session to discuss business incentives known by the codename Project Clydesdale.
North Lamar ISD Reorganizes Board of Directors
The North Lamar ISD Board of Directors will meet with Board members Stephen “Red” Holmes, Sheila Daughtry and Joel when the Board meets Wednesday at 6:00 pm at the Roy C. Chadwick Administrative Office, 3130 N. Main. The board will be reorganized after Sanders is sworn in. Saint of Paris.
The Board of Trustees will receive updates on the security audit report and bond project and will consider action against both external auditors and school attorneys for another year.
A council that discusses replacements for members of parliament
Council members will discuss filling the council seat left vacant by the resignation of Lyntrevion Scott, who plans to move out of the Second Ward he represented.
The council plans to draw up a description of the positions of police chief, sergeant and policeman following last month’s layoffs.
Members will also meet Mondays at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall (800 West Main St. Conference Overview | News |