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dark week in france

From 7 March 2023, the arm-wrestling between the French public who oppose pension reform and the stubborn executive despite five days of strong mobilization will harden. And what is behind this damn reform?

This is finally the only question for today. How long will Emmanuel Macron and his government hold out against trade unions that are united like never before and supported by public opinion largely opposed to the pension reform project? We are peaking so hopefully we will have an answer soon. Our compatriots can no longer tolerate the government’s intransigence and the indifference of certain ministers. We repeat it: all this can end very badly. Obviously, for executives.

Unhappiness will subside little by little

Certainly poorly designed pension reform projects that are unfair to certain categories of employees are not the only ones to anger the French. there is everything else. And the rest are heavy.
First and foremost, there is the rising cost of living, bleeding the most vulnerable households. More and more people are unable to pay for normal family living expenses such as rent, utilities, fuel and food. The number of meals distributed by Restos du Cœur has increased by 26% this year in Meurthe-et-Moselle, and probably in other regions as well. A misery that has quietly settled in our country, undisturbed by the men and women who lead us.
Then there are small, medium, or large businesses that can no longer cover their expenses because of exorbitant energy prices such as gas, electricity, and oil. The number of stores far from the city center is too numerous to count. Countless small businesses are shutting down and laying off workers.
who’s fault is this? To the war between Russia and Ukraine, of course. But who is applying stupid and counterproductive sanctions against Russia? Who is trying to bring the Russian economy to its knees?

amount of capital letters

It is in this particularly deteriorating economic and social climate that the head of state and his minions have decided to bring up longstanding pension reforms. There were more pressing issues to contend with: raging inflation, of course, the health care system, alarming insecurity, drugs, and disorderly immigration.
So why touch gold this year? Some of the answers we’ve long suspected were provided by the Senate this Sunday, March 5th. Jean-François Husson, Senator of Meurthe et Moselle, submitted an amendment supporting reflection on the addition of capitalization to the pension distribution system. The amendment was adopted by his 163 votes to 126 votes. Just like in the US, investment funds have emerged that allow poor employees to starve to death while wealthy employees can prepare for a comfortable retirement (thanks to stock market performance). just like America.
Is this what we want in France? This week the French will answer out loud.

https://frenchdailynews.com/politics/8226-strikes-demonstrations-blockades-a-dark-week dark week in france

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