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Defense minister says HIV-positive people are now allowed to join the French army

Issuance of: change:

French Defense Minister Sébastien LeCorgne told France 2TV on Monday that people living with HIV will be able to join the army. This follows a similar move by police in November 2022.

The decree, proposed by France’s Interior Minister Gérald Dalmanin, “will be published shortly” and will apply to “the gendarmerie, the fire departments of Paris and Marseille, and all armed forces,” Lecornu said. Told. Les Quatre Verites TV show on Monday.

“have HIV It will no longer be a standard of discrimination.”

Until now, medical criteria for integration have kept HIV-positive people out of these occupations.

By the end of November 2022, this discrimination in hiring people living with HIV had already been lifted for police officers.

physical fitness system

The Health Service of the Ministry of Defense is in charge of recruitment army Military police and firefighters modify “Sigycop”, the physical fitness rating system used in some civil service professions.

Strictly applied, this assessment classified HIV-positive persons as ineligible.

of latest scientific research HIV-positive individuals on antiretroviral therapy have been shown to have undetectable viral loads and not transmit HIV.

https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20230509-defence-minister-says-hiv-positive-people-are-now-allowed-to-join-french-army Defense minister says HIV-positive people are now allowed to join the French army

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