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Elon Musk did it! But how far?

Since billionaire Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, the social network with the blue bird seems to have free speech. “Twitter files,” unblocked accounts, new visibility…but are there limits to the “free speech” claimed by the American giant?


Whatever you think of Elon Musk and his plans to build a colony on Mars (SpaceX) or implant chips in human brains (Neuralink), Twitter’s new owner lives up to his reputation as a libertarian. You can say that. Keeping his promise to unlock the Whistle Bird.

back to normal (almost)

Just one month after the American social network was acquired, many suspended accounts suddenly reappeared. The most famous of them, of course, is former US President Donald Trump’s account, who has been blacklisted from the platform since the attack on the Capitol. Nonetheless, not all accounts are being restored at the same rate, and some of the censored scientists, media, and others are getting a little impatient. Let’s bet that it will be…

Other users whose opinions were previously deemed not to follow the rules of the community (especially with regards to the Covid crisis) were able to rejoice in the return to normalcy with the new visibility and increased follower count. . Things that make Twitter bosses happy.

On the other side of the spectrum, disgruntled Twittos jumped ship shortly after the takeover, showing signs of disagreement with the new captain. This is fair game.

Kanye West red card

But Elon Musk’s libertarianism quickly reached its limits in the case of rapper Kanye West. I was. However, the American rapper quickly got back on track (and not just on Twitter).His latest publication, a picture of a swastika entwined with the Star of David, prompted Elon Musk to come out of his reserve and give him a red card on Dec. 2 by immediately suspending the singer’s account. “I did what I could,” he tweeted in the comments. [Kanye West] You have again violated our rule regarding inciting violence. “

This radical decision has obviously provoked some very strong reactions among subscribers. Some accuse Musk of having a double discourse about freedom of expression and allowing him to change the rules as he sees fit. also proves to be limited.

Nonetheless, Elon Musk continues to bet not only on freedom of expression but also freedom of access to his account, continuing to be convinced that this favors natural moderation, and that if Twitter has more users It points out that the more, the less hate speech. A reach where the positives ultimately triumph over the negatives. This experiment is at least worth doing.

“Vox populi, vox Dei

It is also interesting to observe Elon Musk’s a priori democratic use of online polls to make certain decisions. announced to subscribers at the time of a poll to determine the fate of Donald Trump’s account. That said, Musk promised to revive it well before he actually took over the platform, so one wonders what he would have done in the event of a negative outcome.
Another study has been in the news recently. The Twitter boss asked subscribers if they wanted a pardon for Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and at the time of writing the answer was 80.5% yes, with more than 3.3 million voters There is But who knows what this result does?

“Twitter files exposed

Another promise Elon Musk honored was the transparency of the “Twitter files.”The revelation began last Friday with a series of tweets describing how the New York Post’s October 2020 article went viral. Hunter Biden email scandal Obstructed by platform. “Twitter took unusual steps to remove the article, removing the link and posting a warning that it could be ‘dangerous’. We also blocked them from being sent via direct messages, a tool that was available at ,” wrote Matt Taibbi, one of two journalists granted access to the records.

I won’t go into the details of this thread, but I’ve found that requests to remove embarrassing content by one of the two political parties in America have become more common over time. But in a less balanced way, Democrats have more influence within Twitter than Republicans.

The serial drama of “Twitter File” is not over, and new facts are revealed each time the file is peeled off…
freedom to disturb

With Elon Musk, this era of censorship should be over. At least he says so. But this beautiful freedom he cherishes is not to everyone’s taste, and some politicians have already gritted their teeth, at least in France and Europe.
On December 1st, the daily Le Monde said, “Twitter: Emmanuel Macron said Elon Musk’s decision to end the fight against Covid-19 related disinformationbig problem”. The French president has even declared that he is “in favor of more regulation, to the contrary.” This has obvious benefits.
A day earlier, France’s Commissioner for Internal Markets, Thierry Breton, said that in order to comply with European rules on fighting disinformation, Twitter would “significantly strengthen content moderation and protect freedom of expression.” And we must resolutely stand up against disinformation.Look for errors!It is easy to imagine Musk bursting into laughter when confronted with such a dichotomous way of speaking that is typical of Macronians and of today’s new languages ​​”at the same time.” can. And his choice must have already been made. It’s either freedom or nothing.

https://frenchdailynews.com/politics/6240-free-twitter-elon-musk-did-it-but-how-far Elon Musk did it! But how far?

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