
French doctors call for strike despite ‘triple infection’ of Covid, bronchiolitis and flu

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A group representing French medical practitioners is calling for a week-long strike until January 2 to raise fees and improve working conditions.

group Medsan Pool Domaine (Doctors for Tomorrow) went on strike in the second week of the French holiday, despite the government calling for a “union” of medical professionals as French hospitals were overwhelmed by three epidemics. I kept calling. bronchiolitis and flu.

The group, which was set up at the end of the summer and supported by some trade unions, has already gone on strike on December 1 and 2.

According to the French Health Insurance Fund, the closure of clinics has reduced the activity of general practitioners by about 30%.

Doctors for Tomorrow spokeswoman Noel Kalikret said: france information.

A psychiatrist from the Ile-de-France region, she “bewails” the fact that practitioners “have to close clinics to hear their voices.”

Her colleague Christel Audiger, a Lyon general practitioner and founder of the collective, says mobilization will be “a little less, but still important.”

Double the basic consultation fee

Their main demand is to double the base fee for medical consultations from €25 to €50.

This is to make the medical profession “understaffed and overwhelmed with administrative tasks” a little more attractive to young people.

But major unions say they are making “progress” in talks held this fall and do not want clinics to be closed during the holidays.

However, the president of the MG France union recognizes that “working conditions need to be improved” to allow medical professionals to see more patients.

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister of Territorial Organizations and Health Professions, called on everyone to act “responsibly” during this time when hospitals are under pressure.

She also promised a proposal “in the coming weeks” to meet the demands of private doctors while nationwide demonstrations are planned in Paris on January 5. French doctors call for strike despite ‘triple infection’ of Covid, bronchiolitis and flu

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