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French March Against Paris Violence Policy, United Nations Citizens Movement

Across France, it is necessary to monitor the policy of violence in the same situation. In the context of Nahel’s death, we will take drastic measures to destabilize the manning and police masses in Paris.

Plus de 1,000 people sont rassemblées à Paris Samedi 8 juillet, en memoire d’Adama Traore To organize France’s policy of violence, prevent police “urbanization” and prevent “urban marches”.

Assa Traoremonitoring the combat situation between Adama and the policy of violence, avoiding the incident “in the same place as 15 hours ago on the Place de la Republique” and stopping it before the march of Persin and Beaumont-sur-Oise and the monuments of July 2016 Interrogation of the son of the military police.

The security safeguards of the Banque de France and the important safeguards of the French government must be put in place. “The Marché-poule-la-Jeunesse pours the violence of the policy of violence. On the brink of death”, at-elle déclaré, devant notamment la Cheffe de file des insoumis à l’Assemblée Nationale, Mathilde Panot, les députés Éric Coquerel, Louis Boyard, Portin Rule Echarpes Tricolore, Comme Sandrine Rousseau (EELV).

“As for the neo-Nazi march, it is impossible to continue the march. France will be demoralized. The police are racist, the police are violent,” said Australian affirmer Asa Traoré. Stated.

The police, demanding “justice pouring nahel”, demanding to disperse to the public, also demanding a manifesto scandal “justice pouring”, to make a safe speech, journalists have to criticize.

Along the direction of Magenta Boulevard, the party should be held in a subdued atmosphere.

Violations of matinee rules circumvent legitimate grounds for blocking gatherings, which are aimed at “preventing dangerous trouble in public”.

Manifestation Trentaine in France

Laurent Nunez, demonstrating the safety of the police, reports the ‘tendency of the situation’ and the ‘safe situation’ of the Paris Region’s City of Violence and After La Capitale Le Desses de Nagel M.17 ans, tué par unpolicier lors d’un control routier le 27 juin à Nanterre.

It has taken a tough stance against violent policies throughout France, including Marseille, Nantes and Strasbourg. Assemble it in front of the reel and place it in the middle.

Saint-Nazaire, 150 people participate in the Manifesto Pacificamento Selon Les Media Loco. À Strasbourg, ils étaient environ 400, selon une Journale de l’AFP.

“Ça suffit, les coups de fusil, les LBD etc. On a besoin de policiers de proximité”, Manca de Strasbourg Geneviève, retraitée. En tête de cortège, des jeunes ont crié des shonme comme “Part of the police, part of justice.” Sue “justice grit and fanaticism” and “police responsibility”.

Confederation of associations, illegal political groups, LFI, EELV, CGT and Solidarity Politics, Appeal against “urban social marches”, “Critique of politics and politics” and criticism of “discrimination” “Contres les Cartiers Populaires.”

The CES organization calls for “police reform, intervention and armament technology.”

Le porte-parole du gouvernement, Olivier Veran, Criticism of the organization is not “la seule proposition”, but selon lui, est “d’appeler à manifester (…) dans les grandes villes qui ne se Sont pas encore remises des saccages ”. I have a special responsibility to France, participate in the middle market of Beaumont-sur-Oise, and seek counsel for the “Republic”.

Le Chef de file des insoumis, Jean-Luc Mélanchon, n’a pas tardé à réagir aux propos d’Olivier Véran sur Twitter, en s’interrogeant: “Do I have the right to make decisions in public?” ‘arc républicain” c’est eux, à qui ça fait envie ?”

World of Death and Violence in Nahel – Unprecedented Violence of 2005 – Overcome difficulties in French society and make relations between the French people and the French military difficult.

Samedi, Orsay, strengthens the ONU Commission’s expert critique and avoids calling for the blocking of ‘racial profiles’.

La France prescribes the following spiritual notes: “Discussion of Excessive Proposals” and “Information”, “Report on International Affairs”, and “Executing Controls to Strengthen the Status Quo”.

Abek AFP

https://www.france24.com/fr/france/20230708-marches-en-france-contre-les-violences-polici%C3%A8res-le-rassemblement-pour-adama-traor%C3%A9-interdit French March Against Paris Violence Policy, United Nations Citizens Movement

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