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French prosecutor calls for review of Nice terrorist attack

Nice prosecutors have asked a judge to reassess the investigation into the truck-ramming attack that killed 86 people during holiday celebrations in the southern French city on July 14, 2016. The Nice prosecutor’s office called out the “negligence” of the security plan. To reclassify the offense as “involuntary homicide and bodily injury.”

Issuance of:

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“An investigation carried out by the magistrates over six years has uncovered a series of failures and deficiencies that likely contributed directly to the Nice attacks,” Nice prosecutor Xavier Bonhomme said in court documents, citing court documents. said inside. Le Parisien Wednesday newspaper.

Bonhomme said the “security plan” implemented on the Promenade des Anglais on the night of July 14, 2016, when a terrorist threat was “known or feared,” was particularly likely. It is important to more accurately determine the nature of A vehicle attack.

in light of Given the “realities of these new factors,” he said, these crimes were defined as “involuntary murder and injury for failure, recklessness, negligence, negligence, or violation of legally imposed duties of safety and prudence.” said it should be reclassified.

The investigation was initially launched on the grounds of “endangering the lives of others”.

The prosecution’s request is part of a secondary investigation into the tragedy, aimed at determining its causes. attack may have occurred.

On the night of July 14, 2016, thousands of people gathered on the Promenade des Anglais in central Nice to see the annual fireworks display when a truck plowed into the crowd, killing 86 and injuring more than 400. injured. Of these, 33 were foreigners and 15 were children.

In the trial held in December 2022, terrorism I saw the side of the investigation imprisonment All eight suspects were sentenced to prison terms ranging from two to 18 years.

The truck driver was shot dead by police at the scene.

Further hearing, document request

In 2017, a second investigation was launched based on complaints from civil society groups that public authorities accused them of “endangering the lives of others”.

They pointed to a dysfunctional security system for the National Day prom party, which was expected to draw 30,000 people.

The investigation involved four witnesses, including the current mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, who held the office of deputy mayor in 2016.

Mr Bonhomme’s prosecution team also requested hearings of 60 national and local police officers and crew members who were stationed at a particular intersection in the city on the night of the attack.

He also asked for an appendix to the Special Security IPNN report, the 2016 Terrorism Risk Analysis Report commissioned by the City of Nice, and a copy of all video surveillance footage from July 14 to be added to the investigation file.

Attorney Virginie Le Roy Promenade des Anges The victims’ association welcomed the additional indictments by the prosecution.

Victim’s need for truth

“This addresses the victims’ need for the truth,” she told public media Franceinfo on Wednesday.

She pointed to the “obvious inadequacy of the logistical, physical and human security resources deployed at the prom party.”

Le Roy said he hopes the new investigation “finally allows for accurate and concrete answers, prosecutions and the now inevitable trial, more than seven years after the attacks.” .

Three investigative judges will now make decisions.

The legislation came less than a week after the families of the victims gathered on the Promenade des Anglais to pay their respects.

https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20230719-french-prosecutor-calls-for-a-review-of-investigation-into-nice-terror-attack French prosecutor calls for review of Nice terrorist attack

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