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Isn’t it really a political choice?

For more than a year, the suspended caregiver’s attorney has struggled with legal issues and called for a constitutional review of the law on August 5, 2021. So far all their requests have been denied. This inevitably raises questions.

Alix Juan

This week, an attorney reinstated a suspended private practice caregiver for unpaid work. Good, but this he is only valid for one case, it might be used for other cases too, but I’m not sure. In the meantime, thousands of caregivers are still on the streets in France, while in all other countries unvaccinated staff are returning to work and our hospitals are suffering from severe staff shortages. But as we now know, vaccines do not prevent the virus from infecting or transmitting to others.

During a visit to Dijon on Friday 25 November, President Emmanuel Macron declared that returning unvaccinated caregivers to work was a ‘scientific’ decision, not a ‘political choice’. very? Isn’t this all political, a way for the president to “offend” the resisting Gauls?

systematic blockade and denial

Suspended caregiver attorneys either way have reason to ask themselves this question seriously, and so do we. has been submitted many times. Montpellier Court of Appeal, was determined to be unacceptable. And it was not the Court of Cassation that proclaimed itself, but the President of the Court of Appeal, whose role should have been to communicate the QPC to the higher levels…

Denial is systematic…

Whatever the particular reason this time, the overall impression is that the refusal is systemic and lawyers are facing a lockdown. No QPC has been able to find its way to the Constitutional Council so that it can confirm the suitability of this famous law of August 5th, in particular Articles 12 and 14 on vaccination obligations. Uncompensated caregiver suspension and its suspension.

But the lawyer remains adamant, and other QPCs continue to be sued in various French courts, with the hope that one of them will finally be upheld. . to be continued…

https://frenchdailynews.com/politics/6105-keeping-caregivers-suspended-really-not-a-political-choice Isn’t it really a political choice?

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