Le Montana devient le premier État americain à interdire TikTok
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Montana, Northwestern Universities, Best Medical Institutions, Best U.S. Medical Institutions, Chinese App TikTok to monitor and prosecute users. Washington, Joe Biden Administration Discusses Federal Plans for Federal Government.
Le gouverneur du Montana a promulgué, mercredi 17 mai, la loi qui bannitMore tick tock Considering the safety of America, and revealing the likely public facts in the Washington Court of Justice, Congress envisions an application for payment among the public.
“Pour Protégé Du” chinois communist party You don’t have to be on TikTok in Montana,” Greg Gianforte, Northwest Government, Tweet to 1 million residents.
TikTok is just one app that has been linked with foreign enemies. Today, I directed my state’s chief information officer to ban applications that provide personal information or data from state networks to foreign adversaries. pic.twitter.com/92Im6D9Jgx
— Governor Greg Gianforte (@GovGianforte) May 17, 2023
TikTok, like the ByteDance group, offers video plate formats and entertainment, targeting 150 million Americans, manipulating Pekin professionals and users. L’application l’a toujours nié.
Le parlement du Montana avoids capturing the texts of mobile phone applications and applications (apple Such Google) de ne plus distribuer TikTok à partir du 1er janvier 2024. Les entreprises matterées risquent des amendes de 10 000 $ par jour à Chaque infraction, mais les utilisateurs ne seront pas inquiétés.
Cette loi “enfreint les droits des citoyens du Montana” en matière de liberté d’expression, a réagi une porte-parole de TikTok mercredi, évoquant le premier amendement de la Constitution America. “The Constitution of the Court Constitution is an ongoing effort to continue TikTok usage and creators in Montana.”, vote before you vote.
Sante de Jeune
Solve questions and information issues about the effectiveness of TikTok and delve into (addiction, depression). Certain representatives democratize democracy, defend democracy, advocate socialism. Instagrammériteraient d’être régulés sur tous ces sujets.
The ACLU is the Civil Society Defense Association that seeks condemnation of Australia’s condemnation. “Avec cette interdiction, le gouverneur Gianforte et le parlement du Montana piétinent la liberté d’expression de centtaines de milliers d’inhabitants du Montana qui seservent de cette application pour s’exprimer, trouver des information et promouvoir leur petite entreprise, au nom” Anti-Chinois Sentiment,” Declaration, Mercredi, Keegan Medrano, ACLU Regional Chapter Not Responsible, citing communiqué.
TikTok grants void rights to American entrepreneurs (no money required). La Maison inspires TikTok, decides on the type of solution, and pays.
administrative management Joe Biden A preliminary application development plan should be considered and planned in advance. donald trump en ce sens avaient échoué.
Abek AFP
https://www.france24.com/fr/am%C3%A9riques/20230518-le-montana-devient-le-premier-%C3%A9tat-am%C3%A9ricain-%C3%A0-interdire-tiktok Le Montana devient le premier État americain à interdire TikTok