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Les Marketers réduisent la voilure côté dépenses

Start marketing, investing! Seulement aujourd’hui, la prudence est de mise du côté des dépenses. Selon la recente enquete “CMO Spending and Strategy” Signatories Gartner75% des responsables marketing se sentent sous pression et réduisent leur enveloppe consacrée aux technology.

On paper, we need to create a stable marketing budget for 2023, ensuring professional prudence and security. 71% of marketers don’t need to prioritize their strategy when it comes to budget.

The evolution of budget marketing. Source: Gartner (May 2023)

Inflation rate, securing human resources, technical difficulty of project planning and investment. Margret in budget control needs to analyze more detailed information.

Responsible marketing executives must take responsibility for corporate services and revisit corporate responsibility. 63% of the investment amount will be invested. Thulus 23% are budget savvy.

Specifically, it aims at the construction of housing and research and research in the public space, as well as the provision of information from the outside. Experts assess safety, focus on efficacy and quantitative quality, and justify assessments.

New customers are existing customers, relevant marketing experts, and “marketing catalyst” experts. L’idée : Central manager of marketing activities for the success of marketing and Sersi.

https://www.zdnet.fr/blogs/watch-it/les-marketers-reduisent-la-voilure-cote-depenses-39958772.htm#xtor=123456 Les Marketers réduisent la voilure côté dépenses

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