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Listen to the trauma of your left-behind twin sister at the Nice Attack Trial

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In the first week of eyewitness testimony, a special criminal court in Paris was rocked by the emotions of families mourning the death of 13-year-old Laura, one of 86 victims killed in the 2016 Nice truck attack. Laura’s twin sister, Audrey, chose to testify separately. She spoke on Tuesday.

“We were like two drops of water. She was like a mirror. I had her personality and she had mine. There were no secrets between us.” She was my intimate diary.She was the love of my life.My life.Thirteen years is not that long.”

Audrey is now 20 years old. His twin’s dream when he was 13 was to open a beauty salon.

Those hopes were dashed in a nightmare on July 14, 2016. That’s when the Revolution Day celebrations were destroyed by madness, killing Laura and 85 of her others under the wheels of a lorry deliberately forced into a crowd watching a fireworks display.

The truck driver, 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhler, was shot dead at the scene by security forces after being beaten for four minutes.

His attacks then followed a jihadist action by martyrs affiliated with the IS terrorist group, which was then active in Syria and Iraq and committed several major atrocities in Europe in 2015 and 2016. was claimed to be

No evidence has been found linking Lahouaiej-Bouhel to the IS organization.

The seven men and one woman on trial ranged from failing to call the police to providing practical assistance and weapons, despite being aware of the killer’s intentions. accused of a crime.

A family torn apart in grief

Audrey decides to allow the whole family to speak without Audrey.

This is a young woman whose mother, disjointed by grief, mistakes her for her dead twins.

“Look, it’s my daughter. She’s here. It’s Laura,” the mother cried from her hospital bed.

Laura’s father, who testified last week, told the court that the family is “serving life in prison because we live with our twin girlfriend every day.”

This young woman struggles with an eating disorder, is suicidal, but is determined to live for the other half she lost in life. Promenade des Anglais Nice 6 years ago.

https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20221001-nice-attack-trial-hears-trauma-of-twin-sister-who-was-left-behind Listen to the trauma of your left-behind twin sister at the Nice Attack Trial

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