TEXARKANA, Texas — Four people, including two Red River Army Depot employees, have been convicted of federal violations in the Eastern District of Texas, U.S. Attorney Britt Featherston announced Monday.
Former RRAD vendor Jeffrey Harrison, 44, of Texarkana, pleaded guilty on May 18, 2021, to bribery of former RRAD employee Jimmy Scabrow, and was found guilty today in U.S. District Court. • Sentenced to 30 months in federal prison by Judge W. Schroeder. III. Harrison was also ordered to forfeit his $300,000.
Former RRAD vendor Justin Bishop, 52, of Clarksville, pleaded guilty to bribing Scarborough on May 18, 2021 and was sentenced to 12 months and 1 in federal prison on September 6, 2022. was sentenced to days in prison. Bishop also ordered him to forfeit $55,000.
Former RRAD employee Devin McEwin, 43, of Avery, pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from Harrison on May 27, 2021 and was sentenced to five years of probation, including eight months of house arrest. McEwin was also ordered to forfeit $21,000 and pay a fine of $5,000.
Former RRAD employee Lewis Singleton, 64, of Texarkana, pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from Harrison and others on April 27, 2022, and was sentenced to five years of probation, including eight months of house arrest. was declared and ordered to be confiscated. $18,000.
The Red River Army Depot is a critical component of our defense infrastructure and the lifeblood of the region,” said U.S. Attorney Britt Featherston. “Scabrough, Harrison, Bishop, McEwin, Singleton, and others used the public trust to bolster their own pockets, undermining the depot’s combat mission in the process.”
“These rulings are a direct reflection of the tenacity and teamwork of MPFU special agents and law enforcement partners,” said S.A., a special agent with the US Army CID’s Major Procurement Fraud Sites Office (MPFFO). Scott Moreland said. “Bribery and other fraudulent schemes do not exist in the government’s contracting system and anyone attempting it will be arrested.”
“Today’s announcement underscores the successful collaboration between partner agencies to hold these defendants accountable for allegedly creating fraudulent and deceptive plans against the U.S. government and the public. We continue to actively pursue those who selfishly exploit government programs for personal gain,” said Matthew J. DeSarno, FBI Special Agent in Dallas.
According to information presented in court, Scabrough was a supervisor of equipment mechanics for RRAD in Texarkana, Texas, where he served from November 2001 to May 2019. Scabrough directed his purchase of over $7 million from the RRAD to Harrison and Bishop through government purchases. card (GPC) program.
To operate a GPC program designed to ensure a competitive bidding process, Scarbrough told vendors what to bid on, including items, quantities and prices. By collecting fake bids from multiple vendors, Scarbrough was able to direct the vendors of her choice (in this case, Harrison and Bishop) to buy her RRAD while maintaining the appearance of a competitive bidding process. rice field.
Scabrough also defrauded the United States by falsely certifying that he had received the purchased goods, causing RRAD to make payments to vendors of his choice. However, the reality is that Scarborough instructed vendors not to deliver certain items purchased by RRAD.
Scabrough demanded hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from the vendors of his choice. Scarborough received bribes in various forms, including receiving at least $116,000.00 in United States Postal Service money orders from Harrison. Scabrough also gave Harrison and Bishop his 1936 Ford tow door in red and black, his 1932 electric green Ford coupe, his 1951 Ford F-1 truck in cherry red, and more. Scabrough received $27,000 worth of firearms from Bishop, including a rare Colt pistol and a Wharflin dueling pistol.
Finally, Scarbrough made a donation of at least $32,000 to Hook’s Volunteer Fire Department during his time as Chief of Operations. In total, Scabrough took over his $300,000 in bribes from Harrison and Bishop.
Mr. Scabrough is not the only one to take bribes at the RRAD. Devin McEwin received a bribe of over $21,000 from Harrison. This includes hunting trips, donations to the Annona Volunteer Fire Department, and a 1964 Ford truck refurbishment. Additionally, Lewis Singleton received bribes of over $18,000 from Harrison and others, including tickets to the Hall of Fame section of his AT&T Stadium for the Dallas Cowboys football game with the New England Patriots. received. Singleton was his RRAD’s supervisor of his GPC program and was responsible for approving purchases requested from Scarbrough.
Jimmy Scabrough, 69, of Hook pleaded guilty on August 22, 2022, to conspiring with Harrison, Bishop, and others to deceive the United States, steal government property, and bribe. At that time, Scarborough agreed to confiscate his truck, a 1951 Ford F-1 pickup, and an amount to be determined by the court. Scarbrough faces up to five years in federal prison and is awaiting sentencing.
This was investigated by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Command’s Primary Procurement Fraud Division. Dallas Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Tyler Resident Agency, and the United States Postal Inspection Service. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan R. Honok.
https://theparisnews.com/news/article_76204422-38f9-11ed-a342-d773a3abc2db.html Man Convicted in Army Program | News