
Montmorro.Jura development, ambitious menu development and innovation

C’est un coup de pouce bianvenu. Financing of the 200 000 € Bénéfiche Jura development project, part of the Burgundy Franche-Comté region, financing of Croissants and Creations.

Create menus with manufacturing and fenetre poses, create special dishes and create your best creations in 2021 Societe Bachimob de la menuiserie Treille, qui a fait l’objet d’une liquidation judiciary. The development of Désormais, Batimob et Jura, local 5 000 m, is injected with substance and activity complementary (Lille par Ayur).² qui abritait l’ancienne… Montmorro.Jura development, ambitious menu development and innovation

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