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Police order striking French petrol staff back to work

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Oil refinery workers in northern France are out of work after weeks of strikes as the government orders more staff to work at other sites, citing gasoline shortages that are hitting the economy hard. I agreed to return.

Management at one of the two Esso-ExxonMobil refineries in Fos-sur-Mer confirmed workers will vote to end the strike on Thursday and return to work.

The facility is one of several refineries and depots that participated in a three-week strike that cut gasoline production in France by more than 60% and left one in three gas stations with little or no fuel. It’s one. For essential workers to get back to work.

The Fos-sur-Mer facility had no orders to resume work.

heavy penalties

Police visited the homes of five Total Energies depot employees in Maldick near Dunkirk on Thursday and ordered them to return to work from 2pm local time.

Workers face up to six months in prison and a fine of €10,000 if they defy such orders.

the government has already conscripted depot workers It returns to the Esso-ExxonMobil refinery in Gravenchon-Port-Jerome in northern France on Wednesday.

CGT and FO unions leading refinery strikes fight a draft order in courtcalling it an illegal move against the right to labor action.

Striking workers are calling for a 10% wage hike in the face of skyrocketing inflation, and given that they have made huge profits since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent fuel prices higher, job The Lord says he can afford it.

one-off bonus

total energy said in a statement Although conditions were not in place for wage negotiations with all unions, the company announced in December that it would pay a one-time bonus of about one month’s salary to all employees worldwide.

The company also said it had told French unions it was ready to consider a 6% wage increase in 2023 to meet 2022 inflation levels.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told Total Energies on Thursday to raise wages.

“If they know the profits they make…Competent companies are obliged to raise wages, and Total is one of them,” he said. told RTL Radio.

The government has been pressuring oil companies to negotiate, fearing an escalation ahead of Sunday’s nationwide march against inflation organized by Macron’s left-wing opposition.

The CGT union has called on the rest of France’s energy sector to join the strike, with workers at EDF’s five nuclear power plants delaying maintenance and refueling and curtailing output.

Members of the FNME Power Workers’ Union have been on intermittent strikes at nuclear power plants for weeks, further straining the French utility. Nuclear Power Already Struggling.

https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20221013-french-police-order-striking-petrol-staff-back-to-work Police order striking French petrol staff back to work

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