Quand les PME n’optimisent pas leurs Marketing
Le temps, c’est de l’argent ! C’est ce que l’on peut retenir de l’étude réalisée par Captera Market Petit and Moyenne companies. Considering his PME during the period of non-use plus $43,000 in technology marketing should keep things ongoing and complex.
Thirty-nine percent, in addition to professionals passing marketing questions, provide knowledge of assistive technology marketing and are able to operate safely. Chronophages are called for underperforming and relative evaluation.
What is the difference in purpose? En Beau melange des deux? Specific professional, industry goals:
- 46% are the best passers-by for mastering the nouvelle technique,
- 41% qui estiment perdre du temps en passant d’un outil à un autre,
- 40% use valid capabilities to conduct reconnaissance and potentially cause confusion.
- 35% is for problem resolution necessary to identify the problem.
Results without appeal, 63% of experts’ positive ratings for marketing solutions are aimed at revisiting companies’ investment techniques. Answering questions, confirming employee priorities (51%), innovative efforts (47%), flexible research (44%) Must agree (39%).
Tout n’est pas negatif pour autant. Develop applications that are 66% secure and reliable to make the best decisions.
https://www.zdnet.fr/blogs/watch-it/quand-les-pme-n-optimisent-pas-leurs-marketing-39960072.htm#xtor=123456 Quand les PME n’optimisent pas leurs Marketing