For anyone who has ever wanted to have their moment in the sun on a golf course, your time is about to arrive.
On Saturday, the Paris/Lamar County Habitat for Humanity will be putting on the 14th Annual Redneck Golf Open, which will be held at the Pine Ridge Golf Course in Paris.
“If you are worried about your score, then this isn’t the tournament for you,” Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Judy Martin said. “This is just a fun time for everyone that participates. We’ve had some wild holes in the past that involved watermelon, and this year we’ve got a hole where you tee off with a slingshot. Anything can happen at this tournament.
“When we started this tournament, we knew nothing about golf,” Martin added. “Originally, we wanted to make all 18 holes a redneck theme, but everyone said we needed to have at least a few regular holes to keep it special. We’ve heard the weather is going to be cooler, so we’re hoping for a great turnout.”
Tee-off is set for 8 a.m. and teams will have a chance to take a group photo before they begin on the first hole at the “Redneck Limo.”
Six of the 18 holes will be the “Redneck Holes” which will challenge players in ways they’ve never imagined possible on a golf course, she noted. The other 12 holes will be regulation golf holes.
“Everyone who participates has a chance to do a lot of good,” Martin said. “There are a lot of big prizes, especially on the hole-in-one spots we have set up. This event typically raises around $13-14,000 per year. With this being our only fundraiser of the year, and with the rising cost of everything, we want to have as many teams come out as possible this year. We want to be able to build and help as many people as possible.”
If anyone is interested in registering, they can call Martin at 903-783-0599, or reach out to any board member of the Habitat for Humanity. The cost per team is $300, and teams are made up of four members.
Teams who register by Wednesday will qualify for door prizes at the event, teams can also register as late as Thursday. Redneck golf fundraiser is not your ordinary round of play | News