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Revised as adopted after the concert

Revised version of 2013 PLU data. New Adoption Decision on Long-Term Process Decisions at City Council in September 2022 (1).

En date du 15 février 2023, le maire, Pierre Ballesio, avait ordonné la tenue d’une enquête public portant sur la revision générale du plan local d’urbanisme. Une reunion public, le 23 février dernier , avoid applying changes before creating a new personal public associate. On April 6th and June 6th, mobilization of Symphorinois takes place in public. A PLU to fix reactions to issues with the public part.

Post 100 posts lors de l’enquête publique

A total of 97 posts are registered in the number of registrations and 42…

https://www.leprogres.fr/politique/2023/06/21/plan-local-d-urbanisme-apres-la-concertation-la-revision-a-ete-adoptee Revised as adopted after the concert

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