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Secrets of the Candidature Commune

Faced with a hostile situation for a long time, joint research of Auju Hui, project passion to collect projects, and prepare for the 2030 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Laurent Wauquiez et Renaud Muselier, the respective presidents of the Auvergne region – Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regions, to make a decision as a candidate for the Porte-Francais and to obtain an exceptional opportunity for the Sport-Francais In addition, it attaches great importance to the political policy of the alpine region.

Choose your options, add Font Rare to the organizer, adapt to the ski bashing situation, take climate change into account, judge the consequences, strengthen the territories of Encore and Montagne, and enable the candidacy of Française Vas. Devoir convaincre de sa bonne foi environnementale en…

https://www.leprogres.fr/sport/2023/07/18/les-alpes-a-l-assaut-des-jo-les-secrets-d-une-candidature-commune Secrets of the Candidature Commune

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