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The economy is collapsing right in front of us!

Gas and electricity shortages and their exorbitant prices are causing a major economic crisis. Businesses can no longer pay their bills and blackouts threaten the health and safety of the French. And it’s not over yet…

The question is not if there will be a blackout in France, but when. Emmanuel Macron’s ranting in Tirana, Albania, where he is attending the European summit, won’t change that. The energy crisis is taking a toll on our economy and could cause serious disruption to the country.
who says so? First and foremost, RTE, the most concerned industrialist responsible for the transportation and distribution of electricity, warned on Nov. 18 that there is a greater risk of load shedding as cold weather sets in. . This will affect the entire territory of the country.
Then on December 5, 2022 at Inter France, Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire declared: In the meantime, I call on the economy minister that everyone must cut back on energy consumption. ”

inevitable power outages

Finally, Prime Minister Elisabeth Born sent a nine-page notice to governors on November 30 to prepare them for possible blackouts. The circular asks the governor to define areas (hospitals, police stations, prisons, fire stations, etc.) that should not be cut off for security reasons. ecowatt application.
I can understand the anxiety of the French knowing the danger of blackouts every two hours. People who are cared for at home and need medical equipment such as medical beds and ventilators are at risk of death. Power outages also mean no traffic lights at intersections, no elevators in buildings, no heating, computers and phones in the affected areas. Blackouts also mean trains stop, schools and businesses close. We use electricity to power machines. In short, a big mess that no one can predict.
This debate is absurd,” the President of the Republic said of the controversy surrounding these issues. Stop all this! We are a great country and have a great energy model. Despite the war, it will be held this winter. Not for me, but a horror scenario.

Businesses can no longer pay their bills

But not only the shortage of electricity, but also its exorbitant price. Therefore, it is not sustainable for many businesses, whether small, medium or large. I no longer count the number of artisanal bakeries forced to close, farmers forced to raise the cost of meat and milk, businesses forced to short staff. This was the case a few months ago, including glass maker Duralex and steel maker Ascométal.
This Tuesday, December 6, 2022, is the turn for food group Cofigeo, which sells brands such as William Saurin, Garbit and Raynal, to halt production at four of its eight factories. As of January 2, 2023, 800 of his 1,200 employees will be Long Term Partial Activity (LTPA). In fact, this group will have to face a tenfold increase in their electricity and gas bills.
Unpredictable rises in gas, electricity and fuel prices by our leaders are causing a major economic crisis. Its horrific damage is something we have not yet seen. The economy is collapsing before our eyes and the president of the republic finds the discussion “ridiculous”. What a country!

https://frenchdailynews.com/politics/6178-energy-the-economy-is-collapsing-before-our-eyes The economy is collapsing right in front of us!

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