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UAE’s high-tech toolkit for mass surveillance and repression, by Eva Thiébaud (Le Monde diplomatique

Surveillance is not new: Ahmed Mansoor, blogger and activist, had his laptop taken over by powerful spyware, Dubai, 25 September 2012


We were on the eight-lane motorway from Abu Dhabi, the wealthy, conservative capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to the more liberal city of Dubai, a tourist hotspot and international trade hub, when the taxi driver’s phone pinged. Then mine pinged too: it was an accident alert. Neither of us had signed up to this service. We kept a lookout, but the accident turned out to be on the opposite carriageway. The alert was one example of continuous digital surveillance, supposedly for UAE residents’ convenience and peace of mind.

Emiratis are the world’s biggest consumers of mobile data, averaging 18GB per person per month (1). ‘Digital technology is very integrated into the lives of Emiratis,’ says James Shires, a cybersecurity specialist at Leiden University in the Netherlands. ‘They are fascinated by modernity and portray themselves as technological leaders, boasting of their smart cities and the digital facilitation of daily life. But the other side of the coin is that everything is traced and collected.’ Emiratis know this, but some feel it’s a necessary evil in a country that faces so many geopolitical threats.

‘Digitisation leads to economic prosperity while improving security,’ says Emirati political scientist Abdulkhaleq Abdulla. ‘In this context, many people are ready compromise on their right to privacy.’ Surveillance is made easy by the UAE’s small population: just ten million, of whom 10% are Emiratis, 30% other Arabs or Iranians, 50% Southeast Asians and 10% Westerners. ‘Emiratis are a minority in their own country,’ says Andreas Krieg, a security specialist at King’s College, London. ‘Surveillance technology allows them to be omnipresent.’

The people I spoke to recognise that mass surveillance impinges on freedom of expression. Many preferred to discuss sensitive topics face-to-face rather than on the phone. ‘We assume — or rather, we know — that we are under constant surveillance, and that it’s dangerous to say anything politically sensitive, even on WhatsApp,’ said a European expatriate who asked to remain anonymous.

Two academics agreed to meet me in Abu Dhabi, to talk about the history of surveillance in the UAE; they felt the same need to be discreet. A helicopter circled overhead, as if to warn us we were being watched. ‘The 9/11 attacks were a turning point,’ one of them told me. ‘They led to a rejection of all forms of political Islam, and tighter surveillance of mosques.’ The UAE, which relies extensively on foreign labour, also changed its policy on migration. The second explained that ‘until then, the UAE had welcomed large numbers of migrant workers from Arab countries. After 9/11, background checks were stepped up, especially for preachers and teachers. Migrants from Southeast Asia are considered less dangerous, and find it easier to get visas.’

How far does surveillance go?

But the surveillance goes beyond keeping tabs on Islamist preachers and foreign workers. Because the government has majority holdings in telecoms operators Etisalat and Du (formerly the Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company), the security services are able to monitor all communications on their networks. International law firm Simmons & Simmons notes that the two companies are required to filter content ‘in line with the priorities of the state’ (2). Probes and programs monitor both the content of non-digital communications and Internet traffic (deep packet inspection gives access to metadata — who is communicating with whom, when, and what they are sending).

‘Abu Dhabi feared the Arab Spring uprisings would spread, and used the threat of religious extremism as an excuse to tighten security and legitimise repression,’ said one academic

The UAE buys the technology to do this from Western companies such as McAfee (3). Tony Fortin of the Observatoire des Armements, a French NGO that campaigns for greater transparency in the arms trade, says, ‘As with conventional weapons, sales of surveillance tools are not just commercial transactions. They are intelligence partnerships that represent a long-term commitment for the countries involved.’ And because of these partnerships, and the number of cables passing through the UAE’s territory, Shires says it’s likely that ‘Abu Dhabi has passively collected the data and provided it to Washington’ as part of the ‘war on terror’.

After 9/11, it was the Arab Spring that contributed the most to the government’s determination to monitor and repress those it considered ‘internal enemies’. In March 2011, when the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt had just been ousted, a petition calling for democratic reform in the UAE was delivered to its then president, Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. Soon after, one of the signatories, the engineer and human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor, and four other human rights defenders were arrested, sentenced to prison terms, then pardoned.

‘2011 was a turning point in security terms — a brutal one,’ one of the academics who had asked for anonymity recalled. ‘Abu Dhabi feared the Arab Spring uprisings would spread, and used the threat of religious extremism as an excuse to tighten security and legitimise repression.’ The Muslim Brotherhood, active in Egypt and with many supporters in the Gulf, was a particular target; at that time, the Brotherhood was especially popular, and thought likely to win elections in a number of Arab countries in the event of a democratic transition. And it was supported by the UAE’s great rival, Qatar.

To strengthen surveillance and stifle political challenge, the UAE in 2012 established a National Electronic Security Authority (NESA), with access to all communications and reporting to the Supreme Council for National Security, whose deputy director was Tahnoun Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan (‘TBZ’), half-brother of Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan (president at the time) and brother of crown prince Muhammad Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan (‘MBZ’).

Tight control over social media

Social media is closely monitored too. ‘During the Arab Spring, it allowed peoples to express themselves freely and was seen as a tool for liberation,’ says Krieg. ‘So, after that, it was made subject to strict regulation.’ Visual surveillance also expanded through specific programmes, including the installation of thousands of CCTV cameras on the streets of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah.

Large-scale surveillance helps to control individual behaviour: people often self-censor when they know, or believe, they are being watched. In the event of a terrorist attack, it makes it possible to go back and identify the perpetrators, and other individuals to be watched, using AI tools to analyse the huge mass of data collected and spot suspect patterns of behaviour.

Canadian criminologist Stéphane Leman-Langlois points out that the analytical tools used to extract ‘useful’ information from big data have yet to produce results against terrorism  (4), but even if their effectiveness is debated, they are highly valued in the UAE. Among them is the Gotham analytics platform from American developer Palantir, which supplies US intelligence agencies and the French General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), and which has a branch in Abu Dhabi. ‘This software has been sold in opacity to many consumers around the world and there is a strong market in the Gulf,’ says Shires. ‘But it should be noted that the software alone is not enough: it must be handled by specialists.’

The agents who operate these complex tools are trained by the firms that supply them to the Emirati intelligence services. Former US National Security Agency (NSA) officer Lori Stroud told Reuters that the NESA division specialising in offensive cyber operations — installing spyware on targets’ mobile phones and computers — had subcontracted this work to US cybersecurity firm CyberPoint. And she herself had been recruited by CyberPoint in 2014. The idea was for between ten and 20 former NSA agents to run the programme for a few years, until Emirati intelligence officers were skilled enough to take over (5).

These Americans were ready to fight terrorism, and they also fell in with the UAE’s anti-Arab Spring aims, launching repeated attacks on Mansoor in particular. However, there were lines CyberPoint wouldn’t cross, especially hacking the devices of US citizens or enterprises. So in the mid-2010s Abu Dhabi decided to set up its own organisation, known as DarkMatter, which poached former US intelligence officers from CyberPoint (at huge expense). In September 2021 a US federal court fined three of them — Marc Baier, Ryan Adams and Daniel Gericke — hundreds of thousands of dollars each, equivalent to the sums they had received from the UAE for their part in operations to destabilise Qatar and spy on US targets. The court’s judgment noted that the defendants had ‘fraudulently obtained, used, and possessed access devices, authentication tokens, passwords and other means … to gain access [to] protected computers located in the United States and elsewhere.’

More sophisticated spyware

Over time, surveillance has grown tighter, using increasingly sophisticated technology. Pegasus spyware, developed by the Israeli NSO Group and currently under the spotlight because it was used to tap the phones of a number of Western politicians and journalists, was used notably against Ahmed Mansoor, who in 2018 was sentenced to ten years in prison for ‘harming the reputation of the state’ among other offences (6). Tel Aviv was fully aware that the spyware might be used in this way when NSO sold it to the UAE. One of the group’s founders, Hulio Shalev, told the New Yorker, ‘Everything that we are doing, we got permission from the government of Israel [to do]’ (7).

Marwa Fatafta, head of digital civil rights defence association Access Now, says, ‘This surveillance is not only used extract information. It is also, and above all, a tactic of repression and intimidation. Intruding into private life and intimate spaces, spying on communications with family and loved ones, is a form of psychological violence which aims to silence victims. It makes you wonder: What did I say? What do they know? How can the personal information they have be used against me later? Women are particularly vulnerable in this regard.’ Al Jazeera journalist Ghada Oueiss’s phone was hacked and a private photo of her in a swimsuit was circulated on Twitter; she filed a lawsuit in the US against Saudi crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS) as well as MBZ (in charge of the UAE after his half-brother Khalifa’s stroke) and DarkMatter.

Journalists are always scared they may cross a red line, and they’re not easy to identify. An article may be seen as more sensitive if it’s published in Arabic or English than if it’s in German or French

Who is likely to be a target of UAE surveillance? The responses I got to this question all illustrate the uncertainty that the authorities cultivate, adding to the perception that surveillance is omnipresent. An academic told me that ‘journalists are always scared they may cross a red line — and they’re not easy to identify. Apart from the content, the language one publishes in may be a factor. An article may be seen as more sensitive if it’s published in Arabic or English than if it’s in German or French.’

Following the Reuters investigation, DarkMatter’s activities may have been transferred to new organisations. Access Now’s Fatafta says, ‘This is a classic strategy of this type of company. It disintegrates, then reappears with another name.’ A new company known as Group 42 (G42) hasappeared on the scene. Chaired by TBZ, who is now the UAE’s top national security advisor, it claims to specialise in AI and cloud computing. G42 is behind the video- and voice-calling app ToTok, which has offered VoIP in the UAE since 2019 (as international apps such as WhatsApp and Skype are banned). Millions of users had downloaded ToTok before the New York Times reported that it gives UAE intelligence services access to users’ conversations, movements and other personal information (8).

The NYT also noted that ToTok is based on the Chinese app YeeCall. The UAE is increasingly turning to China to satisfy its appetite for digital technology, and the decision to award the contract for its 5G network to Huawei has heightened tensions with the US. At the 2020 Munich Security Conference, then US secretary of state Mike Pompeo warned that ‘Huawei and other Chinese-backed tech companies are Trojan horses for Chinese intelligence.’ The US unsuccessfully tried to put pressure on Abu Dhabi, saying that the UAE would only be able to buy the latest F-35 fighter jets if it ditched this partnership. But as Abdulla explains, ‘Digitisation was too important to us. It was a hard choice, but we went with the Chinese 5G.’ And the UAE bought 80 Rafale jets from France instead of F-35s.

Could UAE-Chinese relations grow closer? Krieg says, ‘The UAE sees the US as a declining power, and China as a rising power. Moreover, China has little concern for personal privacy and is able to collect large volumes of data on which to base its AI research. Abu Dhabi thinks the future of war is digital, and is banking on the development of these Chinese technologies.’ The geopolitical consequences of this shift towards China should be closely watched.

https://mondediplo.com/2023/01/05uae UAE’s high-tech toolkit for mass surveillance and repression, by Eva Thiébaud (Le Monde diplomatique

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