
Ukraine – La France Condame La Frappe Russia sur la Ville de Lyman (08.07.23)

France expelled missile fragments to Russian forces in the Donetsk region and Lyman’s Ville, July 8, death and blessings on 6 deaths.

In Ukraine, we will use 500 Hours of Courage to stop Russia’s war of aggression, ensure the security of our people at the civilian level, and constitute red-handed violations of international humanitarian law.

Comme l’a souligné à plusieurs reproduces Madame Catherine Colonna, Minister for European and International Affairs, unacceptable conduct for criminal constituencies and unlawful acts. France maintains the necessary policies in Ukraine and will continue to work together to realize its legal defense. Grant jurisdiction under international law that impunity for Ukrainian and Russian crimes.

The Ce 500e should immediately stop attacking if Russia finds itself in a dangerous situation. Ukraine – La France Condame La Frappe Russia sur la Ville de Lyman (08.07.23)

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