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Ukraine – Strengthening the French Civil Union – Ministers of Europe and the Economy, Joint Communiqué on Finance and Industrial Economy (21.06.23)

Madame Catherine Colonna, Minister of State for Europe and Africa, on the occasion of the Conference on Reconstruction of Ukraine (Conference on Reconstruction of Ukraine 2023), to mobilize new finances and to carry out rehabilitation and auxiliary work on rehabilitation. It is necessary to restore the resilience of Ukraine’s population and economy.

La France will provide €40 million in Effort Humanitarian Grants to Ukrainian authorities in 2023. Ce soutien financier sera priorityiairement destiné à des équipements dans le Domaine de la Santé, infrastructure critique and others, en fonction des besoins Ukrainian parties will strengthen their resilience during the pro-chain period. The National Security Agency will serve as Special Envoy for Reconstruction of Ukraine by M. Pierre Heilbronn, Executive Director of the Dialogue, and promote Ukrainian cooperation.

Mr. M. Bruno Le Maire, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Fiscal and Industrial Policy, Guarantee of investment in Ukraine, Confirmation of capacity for investment in France, Confirmation of investment guarantees between the two countries Via BPI France Assurance, the export controller Destroy all information and report results. Demanière complémentaire, LaFrance, introduces the Ukrainian corporate guarantee system, guaranteeing the safety of multilateral investment couverture his bayeur.

https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/ukraine/evenements/article/ukraine-amplification-du-soutien-civil-francais-communique-conjoint-du?xtor=RSS-1 Ukraine – Strengthening the French Civil Union – Ministers of Europe and the Economy, Joint Communiqué on Finance and Industrial Economy (21.06.23)

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