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Yemen – Humanitarian assassination by the Nutrition Support Program (PAM) (22.07.23)

La France condemns humanitarian assassinations for Yemen’s food program. Toute atteinte aux travailleurs humanitaires constitutes a violation of international law.

La France expresses its condolences to the families and victims, a special diet in Yemen, to avoid suffering.

This is the duty of humanitarian protection and protection against automatic liability for crime. Il ne peut y avoir d’impunité pour les crime commis contre les les humanitaires.

https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/yemen/evenements/article/yemen-assassinat-d-un-travailleur-humanitaire-du-programme-alimentaire-mondial?xtor=RSS-1 Yemen – Humanitarian assassination by the Nutrition Support Program (PAM) (22.07.23)

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