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Et les “lunettes de traduction” de Google, montrées en 2022, elles Sont où ?

Hi, to be precise, Google develops meeting I/O with realistic augmentation (AR).. Google Glass Contrailments, New Concepts, Modern Age Concepts (and Toujour Paths), Superposition Practicality, Conceptual Temporary Conversations for Language Propaganda are for everyone.

Il ne s’agissait pas de lancer des sorts maques ou de voir dessins animes dans le verre des lunettes, mais plutôt de rendre are accessible and not everyday choices.

Le Concept avait l’apparence d’une pare de lunettes, montrant clairement qu’il n’était pas necessaire d’avoir l’air d’un cyborg pourprofiter des avantages de la technologie d’aujourd’hui. to discover new concepts. And Google will give you the information you need to develop your product.

replace l’IA with l’AR

Replacing obsolete fads and realistic acronyms: the influence of AI, Google and other high-profile industrial technologies and the art of intelligence and the automation of machine learning, the Metaverse, etc., I transcribe lang en tempo reel I think it’s like a lunette. Example: At Google, refer to “AI” 143 to look at I/O.

Mais c’est également au cours de cet événement que quelque has chosen an outfit that attracts attention.no function Give Google an overview of Pixel Fold.

Dual screen interpretation mode


A dual screen interpreter mode allows you to simultaneously evaluate and evaluate the flexible Tensor G2 using avant-garde technology-powered transcription capabilities for user and commentary. Dan Une Oatl Lang. En un coup d’œil, vous pouvez comprendre ce que dit quelqu’un d’autre, mêmes’il ne parle pas lamêmelangue que vous.Cela vous rappel quelque What did he choose?

Flexible replacement for smartphones, increasing real-world reality (mais bon)

It can flexibly replace your smartphone to enhance real-world reality. Your safety convinces you to reaffirm the existence of real clothes and the possibility of real actions. We further enhance the dual mode interpretation of pixel fold and the construction of Runet’s concept and the execution of Google data. Please test your function.

Le Pixel Fold will be managed prior to maintenance and directed to Google to begin managing ProChain. Your event is acting as a responsible person for the French government.

sauce : “ZDNet.com”

https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/et-les-lunettes-de-traduction-de-google-montrees-en-2022-elles-sont-ou-39958272.htm#xtor=123456 Et les “lunettes de traduction” de Google, montrées en 2022, elles Sont où ?

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